Seize the day



Look out of the window. Just look. Come on, you don’t want to be stuck in traffic today, do you? Isn’t it time for a change? Leave the car where it is?  Time to feel the wind through your vents and the sun on your face? You’ll not get a better day than this. For a new you. A more ‘get and up and go’ kind of you. Start the day with blood pumping through your veins. Hear the early morning cacophony. Escape from the tyranny of commercial drivel oozing out of your car radio. Be lost in your own world. Contemplate the day. Smell the grass and the trees and the flowers. Bypass the traffic hold-ups. Spin your legs. . Freshen your system. Ride beside the river and gaze at the castle. Greet early morning walkers. Be part of the community. Go on. A new you. Seize the day.

Let’s get moving………  ( Cardiffians try here Cardiff Cycle City).





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